Netscape internet download for mac
Netscape internet download for mac

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Just right-click on a link and select "Open Link in Sidebar" to get started!Ī small but oft-requested feature: you can now restart Navigator (and keep your current tabs intact) by selecting "Restart Navigator" from the File menu.ĭrag the bottom-right corners of text fields in forms to add more typing space. Additionally, we've added a navigation toolbar to the sidebar for even easier split-screened browsing. You've always been able to have bookmarks open in the sidebar, but we've improved this functionality and extended it to all links, not just bookmarks.


Navigator 9 shares an architecture with the latest Mozilla technologies as such, Navigator 9 will let you install extensions that are compatible with Firefox ® 2.

netscape internet download for mac

By default, clicking on an item in the Link Pad will open it in the browser and remove it from the list, saving you the step of deleting it. Just drag a link over the Link Pad status bar icon and drop it to save it in the Link Pad. The Link Pad is a new sidebar feature that allows you to save links/URLs that you want to visit later without cluttering your bookmarks. The browser will watch for nearly 30 different types of common mistakes and correct them for you (asking you to confirm, if you choose to enable confirmation). For example, if you accidentally type googlecom, Navigator will fix it be to.

netscape internet download for mac

Navigator 9 will automatically correct common typos in URLs. Netscape Navigator 9's theme has been updated to save screen-space and leave more room for the websites you visit.

Netscape internet download for mac